International Masaryk Conference for Ph.D. Students and Young Researchers 2024, vol. XV. (Dec 16, 2024 - Dec 18, 2024)


Introductory word

The international academic cooperation supported by chairman of conference committee Mr. Jiri Kralik has been discussed in Embassy of the Poland in Prague (April 23, 2015, conference patronage of Mrs. Karla Slechtova and Mrs. Marie Wasiak).

For Academia

With the courtesy of Prof. Zbyňek Pitra, DSc. (University of Hradec Králové) Chairman of the Council of Experts of the Czech Management Association, we are bringing you the full version of files of the main ideas of contributions focussed on the subject of socio-economic development.

These proceedings were recommended by the representatives of the Czech Management Association for a broader discussion in the academic community of universities and faculties.


In the first issue of 2011 (January-February 2011, pg. 63–77) of the prestigious magazine Harvard Business Review (HBR) an article was published written by two world renowned authors - PORTER, M.E. and KRAMER, M.R.: How to Fix Capitalism? Creating Shared Value. Its contents evoked immediate interest of the wider scientific public. A number of other contributions of reputed representatives of the academic community, workers of global consulting firms and top managers of international corporations were published in other issues of HBR throughout the course of 2011. They presented their opinions on the published contribution and other subjects, which the ideas presented in it, expanded on into a number of aspects of finding solutions to the socio-economic crisis that struck the advanced economic system of the West at the end of the first decade of the 21st century.

I consider it highly important even for the entire Czech managerial public to become familiar with these ideas to the greatest extent possible. Therefore, I have made a free translation of the introductory article, which I have added my own comments to in places reflecting the environment in the Czech Republic. I have published this text on the website of the Czech Management Association (CMA). On the request of CMA representatives I have gradually added translations of more contributions that appeared in subsequent issues of HBR, expanded by comments on the main ideas, presented in individual contributions.

In this proceedings I have summarized all of the texts presented on the given theme on the CMA’s website in one whole, which I perceive as the introductory text for discussions of academic professionals in Czech universities or faculties involved in teaching management on how to adapt the contents of learning to new requirements demanded by the global economy’s development. Main ideas presented in these proceedings are the exclusive intellectual property of all authors cited in the overview of literature. My personal share in compiling the proceedings rests in the collection and presentation thereof.

I believe the text will evoke the interest of the Czech academic public and stimulate discussion on how to think about the possibilities of further socio-economic development of our country in other ways than we are used to.

prof. ing. Zbyněk Pitra, DrSc.
Chairman of the Council of Experts of the Czech Management Association

Number of registered participants: 21 (Oct 22, 2024)

The Werner von Siemens Award is a traditional competition for the best young brains and it is organised by Siemens Czech Republic (patronage over the International Masaryk Conference) in cooperation with the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Rectors Conference, Czech Technical University in Prague, Charles University and under the auspices of the Min. of Education, Youth and Sports and the Min. of Industry and Trade.

Aim of the Conference

The conference provides a place for the research result presentations for all applicants interested in business processes. MMK provides also possibility of getting active relations and mutual contact sharing.

Conference Process

All registered participants can take part in MMK conference who, on account of payment of the fee, shall receive codes for the system input that allows them to present their papers.


The presentation languages at the MMK conference will be Czech, Slovak, Polish and English languages. Every participant will receive a composite book with assigned ISBN after the conference is over.